Frequently Asked Questions

How many times can qEV columns be reused?

With the exception of the qEVsingle (single use), qEV columns (qEVoriginal, qEV1, qEV2, qEV10 and qEV100) are intended to be used no more than 5 times, with a cleaning step between each use. You can find the cleaning instructions in the respective qEV column’s User Manual.

Can the qEV column be regenerated?

Columns can become clogged over time by samples with a high lipid content. Columns should be cleaned/flushed between uses according to the relevant qEV User Manual. We recommend using a column no more than 5 times: for customised separation solutions, speak to your Izon representative

Are qEV columns sterile?

No. However, qEV columns do come equilibrated in filtered PBS containing < 0.1% w/v sodium azide (a bacteriostatic preservative).

Can qEV columns be used to clean EV samples after they have been incubated with fluorescent labels or antibodies?

Yes. Fluorescent labels and antibodies are much smaller than EVs, so any free label can be separated from the EVs.

Are qEV columns ISO-13485 certified?

Yes, Izon products are designed and manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 13485:2016

How many qEV columns come in a pack?
  • qEVsingle - 20 Columns
  • qEVoriginal - 5 Columns, 100 Columns
  • qEV1 - 5 Columns
  • qEV2 - 2 Columns
  • qEV10 - Sold individually
  • qEV100 - Sold individually
What is the difference between the 35nm and 70nm columns?

The differences between the 35 nm and 70 nm Series stem from the size of the pores in the agarose resin. Compared to the qEV 70 nm Series, the qEV 35 nm Series has a smaller resin pore size. As a result, fewer small particles are slowed by the 35 nm resin, leading to a higher recovery of small particles (including EVs at the small end of the size spectrum) by 35 nm columns. However, this also results in more contaminating protein being present in isolated samples, relative to the 70 nm Series. For context though, both ranges of Gen 2 qEV columns remove ~99% contaminating protein. qEV 35 nm columns have an optimal recovery range of 35 nm – 350 nm, and the qEV 70 nm columns have an optimal recovery range of 70 nm – 1000 nm. If you would like more guidance on which qEV column range is right for your research, get in touch and one of our team members will be able to assist

How do I determine which column I should use for my application?

Visit the qEV overview page to identify which qEV column and range is suited to your sample loading volume and research. If you are still unsure, reach out to our friendly support staff for guidance.

What's the difference between Gen 2 and Legacy columns?

Gen 2 columns are built with a novel, high-performance agarose resin which provides a more purified EV-containing sample, compared to the resin used in our existing Legacy columns.

When are the qEV Legacy columns being discontinued?

qEV Legacy columns will be available until the end of 2023.

Why are the qEV Legacy columns being discontinued?

qEV Legacy columns are being discontinued because they are being replaced by the new and improved Gen 2 range. Compared to the Legacy range, the qEV Gen 2 range removes more soluble contaminating protein, and therefore delivers a purer EV isolate. With EV purity being so important to the EV field, we saw many were rapidly switching over and couldn’t justify carrying both ranges.

What type of blood collection tube should I use if I want to isolate EVs from blood products (plasma, serum, whole blood)?

There are many different types of blood collection tube available and the anticoagulant present in the tube can affect the functionality and quantity of EVs present in blood products. Anticoagulant choice is therefore dependent upon circumstance and application; to learn more read this article about choosing a blood collection tube for EV research.

Is it possible to tailor fractions so that they correspond to a specific size profile?

No. The column length is not long enough to achieve this type of resolution effectively.

Is it possible that the protein fractions will contain EVs?

Yes. Depending on the size of the resin pores, particles that are smaller than the pores will enter the resin and their progress through the column will be slowed. Hence, these particles may appear in later fractions. Columns have been optimised to reduce this as much as possible.

What buffer should be used to store the column between uses?

The buffer that the column has been run with containing some form of antimicrobial compound such as PBS containing sodium azide (0.05% w/v). An alternative to buffer is a 20% ethanol solution. Column cleaning and storage instructions are included in qEV User Manuals.

What protein quantification method do you recommend?

The type you choose will depend on the sensitivity required for your application. We recommend a chromogenic protein assay for protein quantification, such as a Bradford, Lowry or BCA assay.

Does Izon have any information on sample preparation or collection prior to using qEV columns?

Yes, we have a range of technical and application notes available at the Izon Support Centre; you can also browse our website for deep-dives into special considerations for the isolation of EVs from blood (including guidance on which anticoagulant to use) urine, CSF, and reproductive tract fluids.

Can I load a plasma sample directly onto a qEV column?

Most ‘raw’ samples cannot be directly run on qEV columns without prior preparation steps such as centrifugation. Visit your qEV user manual or Izon Science Support Centre for recommendations and protocols on how to prepare your sample appropriately.

Are there any discounts available when buying in bulk?

qEVoriginal Gen 2 columns are available in a bulk pack of 100 columns for a discounted price. For more information about bulk pricing, please get in touch with our friendly sales team

Which qEV columns can be used with the Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC)?

The following qEV columns can be used with the AFC: qEVsingle, qEVoriginal, qEV1, qEV2 and qEV10. The only column not compatible with the AFC is the qEV100.

Does Izon offer customised isolation solutions?

Absolutely. We love building new partnerships and collaborations aimed at advancing EV-based applications. Visit our custom solutions page to learn more and reach out!

How do i know which fractions will contain my target particles?

As the fractions containing your particles of interest will vary based on the sample, sample preparation and column type, you will need to study the protein and EV content of your fractions. Typical elution profiles for human plasma samples can be found in qEV User Manuals and may serve as a useful starting point.

Why does column size and sample loading volume matter?

Selecting the most optimal column size for your sample volume is important for maximising the purity of EVs in your sample. Loading a sample volume higher than what is recommended results in a lower level of purity in later vesicle-containing volumes, a greater overlap between protein and EV elution peaks, and a higher protein peak with the purified containing volume. Loading a sample volume lower than what is recommended results in a higher dilution factor of the sample. Check the optimal recommended sample volume for your qEV column.

How many times can qEV columns be reused?

With the exception of the qEVsingle (single use), qEV columns (qEVoriginal, qEV1, qEV2, qEV10 and qEV100) are intended to be used no more than 5 times, with a cleaning step between each use. You can find the cleaning instructions in the respective qEV column’s User Manual.

Can the qEV column be regenerated?

Columns can become clogged over time by samples with a high lipid content. Columns should be cleaned/flushed between uses according to the relevant qEV User Manual. We recommend using a column no more than 5 times: for customised separation solutions, speak to your Izon representative

Are qEV columns sterile?

No. However, qEV columns do come equilibrated in filtered PBS containing < 0.1% w/v sodium azide (a bacteriostatic preservative).

Can qEV columns be used to clean EV samples after they have been incubated with fluorescent labels or antibodies?

Yes. Fluorescent labels and antibodies are much smaller than EVs, so any free label can be separated from the EVs.

Are qEV columns ISO-13485 certified?

Yes, Izon products are designed and manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 13485:2016

How many qEV columns come in a pack?
  • qEVsingle - 20 Columns
  • qEVoriginal - 5 Columns, 100 Columns
  • qEV1 - 5 Columns
  • qEV2 - 2 Columns
  • qEV10 - Sold individually
  • qEV100 - Sold individually
What is the difference between the 35nm and 70nm columns?

The differences between the 35 nm and 70 nm Series stem from the size of the pores in the agarose resin. Compared to the qEV 70 nm Series, the qEV 35 nm Series has a smaller resin pore size. As a result, fewer small particles are slowed by the 35 nm resin, leading to a higher recovery of small particles (including EVs at the small end of the size spectrum) by 35 nm columns. However, this also results in more contaminating protein being present in isolated samples, relative to the 70 nm Series. For context though, both ranges of Gen 2 qEV columns remove ~99% contaminating protein. qEV 35 nm columns have an optimal recovery range of 35 nm – 350 nm, and the qEV 70 nm columns have an optimal recovery range of 70 nm – 1000 nm. If you would like more guidance on which qEV column range is right for your research, get in touch and one of our team members will be able to assist

How do I determine which column I should use for my application?

Visit the qEV overview page to identify which qEV column and range is suited to your sample loading volume and research. If you are still unsure, reach out to our friendly support staff for guidance.

What's the difference between Gen 2 and Legacy columns?

Gen 2 columns are built with a novel, high-performance agarose resin which provides a more purified EV-containing sample, compared to the resin used in our existing Legacy columns.

When are the qEV Legacy columns being discontinued?

qEV Legacy columns will be available until the end of 2023.

Why are the qEV Legacy columns being discontinued?

qEV Legacy columns are being discontinued because they are being replaced by the new and improved Gen 2 range. Compared to the Legacy range, the qEV Gen 2 range removes more soluble contaminating protein, and therefore delivers a purer EV isolate. With EV purity being so important to the EV field, we saw many were rapidly switching over and couldn’t justify carrying both ranges.

How many times can qEV columns be reused?

With the exception of the qEVsingle (single use), qEV columns (qEVoriginal, qEV1, qEV2, qEV10 and qEV100) are intended to be used no more than 5 times, with a cleaning step between each use. You can find the cleaning instructions in the respective qEV column’s User Manual.

Can the qEV column be regenerated?

Columns can become clogged over time by samples with a high lipid content. Columns should be cleaned/flushed between uses according to the relevant qEV User Manual. We recommend using a column no more than 5 times: for customised separation solutions, speak to your Izon representative

Can qEV columns be used to clean EV samples after they have been incubated with fluorescent labels or antibodies?

Yes. Fluorescent labels and antibodies are much smaller than EVs, so any free label can be separated from the EVs.

Are qEV columns ISO-13485 certified?

Yes, Izon products are designed and manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 13485:2016

How do I determine which column I should use for my application?

Visit the qEV overview page to identify which qEV column and range is suited to your sample loading volume and research. If you are still unsure, reach out to our friendly support staff for guidance.

What type of blood collection tube should I use if I want to isolate EVs from blood products (plasma, serum, whole blood)?

There are many different types of blood collection tube available and the anticoagulant present in the tube can affect the functionality and quantity of EVs present in blood products. Anticoagulant choice is therefore dependent upon circumstance and application; to learn more read this article about choosing a blood collection tube for EV research.

Is it possible to tailor fractions so that they correspond to a specific size profile?

No. The column length is not long enough to achieve this type of resolution effectively.

Is it possible that the protein fractions will contain EVs?

Yes. Depending on the size of the resin pores, particles that are smaller than the pores will enter the resin and their progress through the column will be slowed. Hence, these particles may appear in later fractions. Columns have been optimised to reduce this as much as possible.

What buffer should be used to store the column between uses?

The buffer that the column has been run with containing some form of antimicrobial compound such as PBS containing sodium azide (0.05% w/v). An alternative to buffer is a 20% ethanol solution. Column cleaning and storage instructions are included in qEV User Manuals.

What protein quantification method do you recommend?

The type you choose will depend on the sensitivity required for your application. We recommend a chromogenic protein assay for protein quantification, such as a Bradford, Lowry or BCA assay.

Does Izon have any information on sample preparation or collection prior to using qEV columns?

Yes, we have a range of technical and application notes available at the Izon Support Centre; you can also browse our website for deep-dives into special considerations for the isolation of EVs from blood (including guidance on which anticoagulant to use) urine, CSF, and reproductive tract fluids.

Can I load a plasma sample directly onto a qEV column?

Most ‘raw’ samples cannot be directly run on qEV columns without prior preparation steps such as centrifugation. Visit your qEV user manual or Izon Science Support Centre for recommendations and protocols on how to prepare your sample appropriately.

How do i know which fractions will contain my target particles?

As the fractions containing your particles of interest will vary based on the sample, sample preparation and column type, you will need to study the protein and EV content of your fractions. Typical elution profiles for human plasma samples can be found in qEV User Manuals and may serve as a useful starting point.

Why does column size and sample loading volume matter?

Selecting the most optimal column size for your sample volume is important for maximising the purity of EVs in your sample. Loading a sample volume higher than what is recommended results in a lower level of purity in later vesicle-containing volumes, a greater overlap between protein and EV elution peaks, and a higher protein peak with the purified containing volume. Loading a sample volume lower than what is recommended results in a higher dilution factor of the sample. Check the optimal recommended sample volume for your qEV column.

Are there any discounts available when buying in bulk?

qEVoriginal Gen 2 columns are available in a bulk pack of 100 columns for a discounted price. For more information about bulk pricing, please get in touch with our friendly sales team

Which qEV columns can be used with the Automatic Fraction Collector (AFC)?

The following qEV columns can be used with the AFC: qEVsingle, qEVoriginal, qEV1, qEV2 and qEV10. The only column not compatible with the AFC is the qEV100.